How often should you post on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest?

Yes, that question up there just hits the mark, right?

Entrepreneurs like you and me, especially those who are doing it solo or are still growing their market, are faced daily with the task of nurturing their social media channels. We often question: how many posts a day is enough? And how often should we post? We don’t want to overwhelm our followers but also don’t want to be forgotten. We need to stay top of mind with out customers!

  • Facebook: 1-2 posts per day

Your goal is to upload quality posts over quantity. Some studies even show that posting more than this reduces your rank in terms of engagement.

  • Instagram: 3-7 feeds per week

According to Instagram creator Adam Mosseri, it is sufficient to make three to seven posts on your feeds each week. However, the IG stories could enhance your following if you also post up to two per day.

  • Pinterest: 1 pin per week

To truly create a growing Pinterest channel, you need to post 1 new pin each week. Take note though that it should be a brand new pin and not just a re-posting something you already used in the past.

Okay so what about your content?

Now that you know these tips, how can you ensure that you have a bank of posts so you can post consistently? What if you run out of ideas? Or what if your graphic design skills are still in a learning phase?

These are real and actual challenges for many entrepreneurs and I get you. I do. So I’ve made it simpler for you by creating set of KISS (Keep It Simple Social) kits that are ready for you to use and post on your Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Each KISSkit contains copyright-free images with great quotes from varied topics. There’s even a few videos in each kit because we know how algorithms love videos! So, you can stop worrying about what to post in the coming days and, instead, start focusing on how to respond to your growing clients.

Explore the exact KISSkit that is suitable for your business.

KISSkit 01 samples