Your business idea is great, you have the skills … heck you’ve done this stuff for years
BUT … you feel like there is so much you don’t know.
You’ve search the internet, you’ve read books, you’ve asked in your favorite facebook groups. You’ve even bought courses
You still just don’t quite know what your next steps should be to build your business. There is so just much to learn! There’s so many conflicting opinions & advice every where!
You just need a helping hand. Some one who has walked the walk. Someone who has been in business. Someone who has learned the ropes. Some one who can guide you.
expert mentoring …
When you need more personalised support, Enterprise by Design offers a personalised mentoring service where we work one-on-one with you to move you through getting you from where you are to where you want to be in your business.
Mentoring is fully customised but these are some of the things a program may cover:
- where to find clients
- how to delight clients so they stick with you
- your branding (so much more than your logo)
- discovering your niche
- working out what you’re worth
- saying good-bye to imposter syndrome
- guerilla marketing techniques
- up-skilling
- cash-flow – preparing for inevitable quite times
- bring in help
- contracts
- getting paid
- scaling the business
Between sessions, we don’t just leave you hanging.
You have email access to your mentor through-out your program & after each session your mentor will send you
- a recording of your session for you to refer to
- a summary of the session
- any plans of action & tasks
- relevant worksheets & play books
- resources which may help
- a feedback form (this helps to ensure we are on track with what you need)
We start with a 20 minute virtual exploratory session where we delve into where your business is right now & where you want to take it. We talk about what your challenges are & begin to make a plan for the future. After the session your expert mentor will develop a plan & investment strategy. In a second brief call she will go through her recommendations with you. Then & only then will you be asked to make a commitment to work together. What do you think? Would you like to meet your mentor? As the saying goes, nothing ventured nothing gained – so go ahead & click that button below to get started on a wonderful new journey.
What are the mentors qualifications?
Our senior mentor, Jinny Coyle, has run her boutique design studio for almost 2 decades. Prior to that she ran businesses in the retail, manufacture, wholesale & accommodation sectors.
She has a Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia, Certificate IV in Business – Small Business Management & a Graduate Certificate in Internet & Web Computing & Social Media Management training. One of the things she schedules into her weekly calendar is learning time because, as she says “You can never learn enough!”
She has completed her Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training & has taught graphic, motion & web design at the Australian Academy of Design, RMIT & Swinburne in Melbourne Australia.
What's the difference between coaching & mentoring?
“Mentors as business owners who have ‘been there, done that’. They’ve learned how to run a business by doing it. Your mentor doesn’t necessarily have to be in your industry because they understand the core concepts of business & can walk the walk with you as you move through the challenges of your business. “Mentors are successful people who share their hard-won wisdom to provide insight and guidance as an entrepreneur encounters challenges along her journey. They typically function in a reactive capacity, responding to issues as they arise. Mentors may not have expertise in the mentee’s field, but they understand how to navigate business in general. Coaches, on the other hand, often have expertise in the same field as the people they’re helping. They’re usually trained and certified as coaches, possessing strong process management skills.”
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ellevate/2015/10/15/the-difference-between-a-coach-and-a-mentor/#561322937556
How long will the program last?
Each program is customized based on the mentoree’s unique situation & requirements but generally programs involve between 5 & 8 weekly or fortnightly sessions.
How customised is the mentoring?
Our mentoring is very personalized.
In your 30 minute FREE discovery call we will talk about your business. We’ll delve into your product/service, your struggles & what you need help & guidance with.
Armed with this information, Jinny will set out a proposal outlining her recommended program. Then together we will set out a schedule of • virtual sessions & a payment plan.
* Sessions can also be recorded on request.
What resources & worksheets are included?
Over 2 decades we’ve built up an enormous bank of resources which we can draw on. If we don’t have what you need we will create it or find it. If it is technical skills getting in your way we can make ‘over my shoulder’ video tutorials for you too.
How can I pay?
We offer a number of payment options.
- Australians can pay by direct deposit, we will provide an invoice our account details on commitment. Australians are required to pay GST (10%)
- Payment can be made via Paypal – an invoice will be sent through the paypal system (did you know you don’t have to have an account to pay by credit card through Paypal. Paypal fees will be added to the invoice, this is 4% + a fixed fee per transaction.
- We can also send an invoice via Square adding 3% to cover square fees.
Payment terms are designed per client but typically we require 50% on commitment & the balance after the second session.

Jinny Coyle launched her boutique design studio in the late naughties specialising in branding & visual marketing for micro & small business as well as councils & NFP’s. She has taught graphic & web design at a number of tertiary institutions in Melbourne, Australia.
Fast forward to this decade…
More than ever, woman are turning their backs on the 9-5 work week to build their own businesses. The reasons are many but Bankwest senior analyst Tim Crawford says …
“Most people start a business for the lifestyle and the flexibility it allows – they want to be in charge of what they’re doing” he continued “One of the real trends … stronger growth in the number of women … running a small business by themselves, often part-time at first, while raising children.”
Many women look to the internet (particularly facebook groups) for marketing & design advise, only to be cut down by ‘so called’ specialists for their “ignorance & lack of professionalism”. It’s after seeing this happen far too often that, with years of experience & a wealth of knowledge under her belt, Jinny now offers mentoring to empower women in business to take move their calendars from empty to booked.