Avoid these killer mistakes at all costs …
You’ve probably heard the saying, “The money is in the list.”
This is one of the most popular saying in the world of business, and it’s absolutely true. Content may be king, but the list is the Supreme Chancellor.
The fact is, having a list is far more important than having a large fan base on Facebook, a lot of traffic on your blog, or a lot of followers on Twitter. List subscribers are people you can reach at any time. You don’t have to get them to be on Facebook, Twitter or your blog. You only have to get them to open their email, which is something most people do at least once per day.
On average, each email subscriber you get can make you approximately $1 per month. That means if you have 100 subscribers, you could make $100 per month. 1,000 subscribers could make you $1,000 per month. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but it’s a good general guideline. It could be less, but it could be much more depending on your niche, your offers, and how you treat your list.
In this guide, you’re going to learn about some of the biggest mistakes people make when building a list and marketing to that list, and how you can avoid making these killer mistakes in your own campaigns.
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