On a scale of 1 to 10, how pleased are you with your website’s conversion rate – 1 being dead as a dodo and 10 being I’m pretty happy with my conversions? Whether your conversion rate is going great guns or not-so-crash hot – there are plenty of ways to level up your game plan. We’ve rounded up a quick list of simple tips you can apply quickly:
- Make sure your branding is consistent
- Create a user-friendly design
- Use less offers
- Make sure the text is readable
- Use a clear CTA
- Increase load speed
- Optimize for mobile
- Use web-safe filenames

1. Make sure your branding is consistent
Develop a set of colours, fonts, and icons for your website. A coherent design leaves a lasting impression. It also guides your audience how to find what they are looking for.
2. Create a user-friendly design
What do you want your web visitors to do when they get to your landing page? Buy a product? Sign up for a service? Whatever that may be, always consider your end goal when building your website. Don’t make the process too complicated or it will tempt people to click away. Add in familiar web elements and icons so navigation is quick and easy.
3. Use less offers
Are you familiar with the paradox of choice? It’s like when you’re given a long menu and you can’t decide on what to order. Offering a smaller number of options furthers your conversion rate.
4. Make sure the text is readable
People don’t read all your content, they skim through it. The shorter and more concise your copy is, the easier it will be for your audience to digest. Take advantage of bullet points and graphics so everything on your site is understood at a glance. Also use headings and sub headings to break up ideas.
5. Use a clear CTA
Your call to action is much like a tour guide. It shows your web visitors what they can do on your page and how they can do it. Use short yet compelling phrases to urge and guide your audience.
6. Increase loading speed
No one likes to wait. Not you, not your web visitors. Make your website load faster with these quick tips:
- Reduce file uploads
- Compress big media files
- Use a file hosting service (like MediaFire, 4shared, ZippyShare, etc.)
- Don’t overdo animations
7. Optimize for Mobile
Less and less people use a laptop or desktops these days, but you can bet everyone has a phone. If you can optimize your site for mobile, you’re able to connect with the whole online market. Besides, most search engines today favour sites that are optimized for mobile, so taking this extra step helps your website to rank better, too.
8. Use web-safe filenames
Sure, you can use the camera default filename for your web uploads … but you shouldn’t. One, it looks ugly on your web URL. Two, some operating systems are case sensitive, so you will end up with broken links. Three, search engines prefer web-safe filenames.
To make your filename web-safe, all you need to do is follow this guide:
- Use lowercase letters only
- Replace all spaces with a dash/hyphen
- Simplify accented characters (swap out “ő” for “o”)
- Remove any symbols or special characters

How many of these tips are you already using? Do you need help with increasing the conversion rate of your website?